
Handstand on the Alps

Hey I'm Stephanie Lim…

SLim or Steph for short. I'm currently based in the incredible city of New York, I have an unhealthy love for dogs, an itch to explore this planet we call home, and you'll often find me upside down.

Being a competitive gymnast for 17 years, I grew up immersed in physical activity, personal competitiveness, and the ability to eat whatever I pleased, whenever I pleased, thanks to 4 hour practices. After stopping the sport, I struggled to find a proper outlet for my love of athletics and movement in a way that was sustainable and effective.  My journey is always evolving, bringing me new discoveries, and taking me unexpected places. As with many people, my relationship with food has been an ongoing learning process that's changed drastically from no regards to the nutrition in my food in high school, to paleo and confused eating in early college, to macros in late college, to food option overload in NYC, to now.  I am discovering the connection of food to living a healthy and well balanced life, and how it plays such an incredibly important role. I hope that in sharing my journey, I'm able to help others find their way to sustainable  health and fitness too.

I’m currently in the process of switching career paths and taking on the daunting endeavor of returning to school to get my MS in Nutrition Science. It’s a wild ride, and I’d love for you to join me on it!

Thanks so much for stopping by! If you like what you see, please subscribe :) 

Be well,
